2009 planning - serious business

The Deliver dudes in Brindisi

The Deliver dudes in Brindisi, sweating out the 2009 planning. (From left to right: Peter, Temmy and Mats)

The main modules of the Deliver project we will work on in 2009, are:

1. The Non-Food Warehouse Management System (WMS)
- WINGS II rollout for Brindisi
- Product Catalog
- Integrating non-brindisi stock and sheets to WMS I
- Migrate WMS I data to WMS II
- Migration of non-Brindisi UNHRD stocks to WINGS
- deployment barcoding system
- Automation between Wings II and Portal

2. The Logistics Portal
- Release 1 (being developed now)
- Release 2 (will concentrate on country office needs)
- Release 3 & 4 (will be fine tuning releases)

3. Fleet Management System
- Orientation for Fleet Manager
- Completion & validation of all reports & screens
- Development by Chevin
- Pilot Roll out
- Roll-out to the field

4. Food commodity (COMPAS) Upgrade
- COMPAS Assessment
- Handover of support
- Requirements Gathering on upgrade
- Development
- Testing - Pilot Roll out
- Roll-out to the field

5. Non Food Item Tracking system
- Requirements Gathering - NFI
- Development of interim NFI system
- Testing / Pilot Roll out
- Roll-out to the field
- Analysis for merger with COMPAS

6. Flight Management Application
- Requirements Gathering
- Research on similar software on the market
- Development / configuration
- Testing / Pilot Roll out
- Roll-out to the field

7. Customer Relationship Management
- Requirements Gathering
- Research on software availability on the market
- Procurement
- Configuration, Testing & Pilot Roll out
- Roll-out for usage


Anonymous said...

Ciao Chief, from KL. Actually the right order from left to right is : Peter, Temmy and Mats. Cheers, D. Lee.

Anonymous said...

@David Lee:

Oops.. Sorry.. Corrected.. Already wondered why you were looking so handsome! ;-)
